Tag Archives: outsourcing

Crowd Worker: Gut ausgebildet, teilweise nicht abgesichert, im Hauptjob nur rund 1.500 Euro Durchschnittseinkommen

Das Heer der Klickarbeiter im Internet wächst. Eine neue Studie der Universität Kassel liefert erstmals einen qualitativen Überblick darüber, wer die Menschen in der „Crowd“ sind – und warum die digitale Erwerbsarbeit faire Spielregeln braucht. (more…)

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Growing inequalities make science more of a ‘winner takes all’ field

ANN ARBOR — As new research documents growing inequalities in health and wealth, the gap between “haves” and “have-nots” is growing in the field of scientific research itself, says University of Michigan sociologist Yu Xie.

“It’s surprising that more attention has not been paid to the large, changing inequalities in the world of scientific research, given the preoccupation with rising social and economic inequality in many countries,” said Xie, research professor at the U-M Institute for Social Research and professor of sociology, statistics and public policy. (more…)

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