Tag Archives: salamander

‘Life as Research Scientist’: Grant Connette, Population Biologist

Grant Connette received a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology from Davidson College in 2008.  In the Fall of 2009 he began a Ph.D. program in Biology at the University of Missouri.  His general research interests include various aspects of the population ecology, movement behavior, and landscape-scale distributions of animals.  Much of his current research focuses on the behavior, population dynamics, and landscape ecology of terrestrial salamanders in forest landscapes managed for timber production. (more…)

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Anpassung durch Veränderung: Beutefang zwischen zwei Welten

Bei Wirbeltieren unterscheiden sich Nahrungsaufnahme-Strategien zwischen land- und wasserbewohnenden Formen fundamental. Mit diesem Problem sind amphibisch lebende Tiere konfrontiert, die Nahrungsquellen aus beiden Welten – Land und Wasser – erschließen wollen. Eine Forschergruppe um Egon Heiss vom Department für Integrative Zoologie der Universität Wien veröffentlichte jetzt eine Studie über das Beutefang-Verhalten des Bergmolches, der dieses Problem mit Bravour meistert und das möglicherweise Einblicke in die frühe Evolution der Landwirbeltiere erlaubt.

Um potenzielle Beute überlisten zu können, muss ein Beutefangmechanismus schnell und koordiniert ablaufen. Aquatische Jäger saugen in der Regel ihre Beute blitzschnell ein, indem sie durch eine schnelle Volumenerweiterung des Mund-Rachenraumes einen Druckabfall erzeugen, der seinerseits durch einen schnellen Wassereinstrom über das geöffnete Maul ausgeglichen wird. (more…)

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UF Biologist Discovers Mammal with Salamander-like Regenerative Abilities

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A small African mammal with an unusual ability to regrow damaged tissues could inspire new research in regenerative medicine, a University of Florida study finds.

For years biologists have studied salamanders for their ability to regrow lost limbs. But amphibian biology is very different than human biology, so lessons learned in laboratories from salamanders are difficult to translate into medical therapies for humans. New research in the Sept. 27 issue of the journal Nature describes a mammal that can regrow new body tissues following an injury. The African spiny mouse could become a new model for research in regenerative medicine. (more…)

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From a Few Bones, the Most Primitive Snake Emerges

Researchers at Yale have identified an ancient slithering creature from the time of T. rex as the most primitive known snake, a finding with implications for the debate over snake origins.

“It’s the missing-link snake,” said Nicholas Longrich, a postdoctoral fellow in Yale’s Department of Geology & Geophysics and the lead author of a paper about the lizard-like snake published July 25 online in the journal Nature. “It’s the ‘Lucy’ of snakes.”

The paper argues that snakes descend from terrestrial rather than marine ancestors, as recently proposed by others, and that snakes emerged once lizards developed long, limbless bodies for burrowing. (more…)

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