Tag Archives: data mining

Bald laufen wir mit «Google-Brillen» herum

Parallel zur staatlichen breitet sich eine private Überwachung grossen Stils aus. Widerstand scheint aussichtslos. (Teil 2)

Red. In einem ersten Teil befasste sich der Autor mit staatlichen Überwachungsdiensten und den möglichen Folgen für demokratische Gesellschaften. Der zweite Teil zeigt auf, welche Rolle dabei die digitale Technologie und das Internet spielen.

Zur neuen Entwicklung gehört, dass es neben der staatlichen Tätigkeit immer mehr auch Private sind (Einzelpersonen, Agenturen, Detektivbüros, Sicherheitsfirmen, privatwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen), die andere überwachen oder überwachen lassen, so dass man sagen kann, dass nach dem englischen Staatstheoretiker Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) der Mensch nicht nur des Menschen Wolf, sondern auch dessen Grosser Bruder und Datenspeicher ist. (more…)

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IBM and Oxford Survey: Getting Closer to Customers Tops Big Data Agenda

Less than half of organizations analyzing external data; only 43 percent looking at social media for deeper understanding about consumer preferences
Lack of advanced analytics skills for tackling unstructured data biggest challenge

ARMONK, N.Y. and OXFORD – 17 Oct 2012: A new global report released today by IBM and the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford reveals that most Big Data initiatives currently being deployed by organizations are aimed at improving the customer experience. Yet, despite the strong focus on the customer, less than half of the organizations engaged in active Big Data initiatives are currently collecting and analyzing external sources of data, like social media.

One reason is that many organizations are struggling to address and manage the uncertainty inherent within certain types of data, such as the weather, the economy, or the sentiment and truthfulness of people expressed on social networks. In the survey, respondents questioned their ability to trust comments, reviews, tweets and other forms of freely offered opinions online. While uncertain, social media data still contains valuable information. Organizations need to embrace and manage data uncertainty and determine how to use it to their advantage. (more…)

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Yale Team Finds Order Amidst the Chaos Within the Human Genome; Mom and Dad’s Contributions Counted and Fossil DNA Not Dead After All

The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project is the effort of hundreds of scientists to describe the workings of the human genome. Their research, outlined in 30 papers published in multiple journals Sept. 5, has confirmed our genome is far more complex than originally thought.  Regions that contain instructions for making proteins, which carry out life’s functions, account for only about 1 percent of our genome. ENCODE has shed light on the other 99%. Almost 80 percent of the genome is biochemically active, much of it involved in some sort of regulation of genes. Vast regions of our DNA once considered “junk” contain some 400,000 regulators called enhancers, which play a key role activating or silencing genes despite residing far away from the gene itself. Yale University researchers played a key role ENCODE, helping to author 9 of the 30 papers published in four journals on Sept. 5. Some of their work is described below.

The massive Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) unveiled Sept. 5 reveals a human genome vastly more rich and complex than envisioned even a decade ago. In a key supporting paper published in the journal Nature, the lab of Yale’s Mark Gerstein, the Albert L. Williams Professor of Biomedical Informatics, has found order amidst the seeming chaos of trillions of potential molecular interactions. (more…)

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