Category Archives: Economy

Is it Safe to Shop Online Amid Coronavirus Situation?

In just a few months, the coronavirus outbreak is affecting the personal and professional life of all individuals in one way or the other. With the growing number of people getting affected with corona virus in the US, Asia and Europe. The economic and financial activities are probably suffering the most due to this deadly virus. With the help of self isolation practices, it is possible to combat and control this deadly virus. With all major industries being locked down, many people are conducting their business activities online. One such industry which is expected to grow a lot through this major shift is the e-commerce industry. (more…)

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Ge­rechte Wege aus der Schul­den­falle

Die Notwendigkeit der Schaffung eines Verbraucherinsolvenzrechtes wurde kürzlich in Georgien diskutiert. Christian Koller, Professor am Institut für Zivilgerichtliches Verfahren, wurde als internationaler Experte hinzugezogen. Die rechtsvergleichende Forschung ist Grundlage für eine grenzüberschreitende Kooperation. (more…)

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How bike sharing in Seattle rose from the ashes of Pronto’s failure

In October 2014, Seattle launched Pronto, a docked bike-share program. But Pronto had problems shifting into a higher gear, and the city ended the program in 2017, making Seattle one of the few cities in the world to shut down a modern public bike sharing system. (more…)

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Words to borrow

How the words we use can predict whether we’ll pay back loans

Imagine you consider lending $2,000 to one of two borrowers on a crowdfunding website. The borrowers are identical in terms of their demographic and financial characteristics, the amount of money they wish to borrow, and their reason for borrowing the money. However, the text they provided when applying for a loan differs.  (more…)

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