Tag Archives: management science

Finanz­pro­dukte: Warum wir Risi­ko falsch be­wer­ten

In einem groß angelegten Experiment hat ein Forscherteam mit Beteiligung der Uni Innsbruck erhoben, wie Laien und Finanzexperten das Risiko von Finanzprodukten wahrnehmen. Ein Fazit: Die Forscher fordern mehr Information bei Finanzprodukten. Die Studie erschien kürzlich im Fachjournal „Management Science“. (more…)

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Targeted audiences and websites can help magazines weather the onslaught of online competition

TORONTO, ON — While print media continue to suffer at the hands of their online counterparts, new research from the University of Toronto Scarborough finds that print magazines with companion websites are able to attract more advertising dollars.

“Targeting is as important as ever,” says Ambarish Chandra, Assistant Professor at UTSC’s Department of Management. In a study of magazines in Germany, Prof. Chandra and Prof. Ulrich Kaiser of the University of Zurich found that magazines offering targeted advertising both in print and on the web can charge more from advertisers. (more…)

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