Tag Archives: oxytocin

Stress vermindert soziale Fähigkeiten bei Männern und erhöht sie bei Frauen

Akuter psychosozialer Stress führt zu verbesserten sozialen Fähigkeiten und erhöhter Empathie bei Frauen, während Männer mit höherer Egozentrizität reagieren. PsychologInnen um Claus Lamm von der Universität Wien haben die Effekte von Stress auf die Fähigkeit zur Unterscheidung selbst- und fremdbezogener Emotionen und Kognitionen, eine zentrale Fähigkeit für erfolgreiche soziale Interaktion, untersucht. Die Studie erscheint aktuell in der Fachzeitschrift “Psychoneuroendocrinology”.

Die Unterscheidung selbst- und fremdbezogener Emotionen und Kognitionen stellt eine Grundlage für die Fähigkeit dar, sich in andere Personen emotional und gedanklich hineinversetzen zu können. Diese Fähigkeit ist daher zentral für erfolgreiche soziale Interaktion. Zum Beispiel kennen wir alle das Gefühl wie schwer es uns fallen kann, Person zu verstehen, deren Einstellungen und Sichtweisen sich von unseren eigenen unterscheiden. Wie sich Stress auf diese Fähigkeit auswirkt, hat die Arbeitsgruppe von Claus Lamm gemeinsam mit ForscherInnen der Universität Freiburg (Deutschland) und der Scuola Internationale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) Triest untersucht. (more…)

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Blast concussions could cause pituitary deficiencies in war vets

Many veterans suffering from blast concussions may have hormone deficiencies that mimic some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, according to researchers with the Department of Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington.

The researchers screened 35 veterans with blast injuries. They found that 42 percent had irregular hormone levels indicative of hypopituitarism, a condition that can often be controlled by replacing the deficient hormones. (more…)

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Breastfeeding: Not only for young teens

When a teen mom is considering breastfeeding, it may be a tough task for her to break misconceptions, she has about breastfeeding. For example, many teens prefer bottle feeding as a healthier choice over breast feeding. They also believe that their breasts will lose their shape and it is “old school.” Teen moms, just like adults consider many factors when choosing breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is by far one of the most natural attributes of the human body. Breastfeeding is a nature’s gift and has its own benefits:

· According to research, when teen moms breastfeed their baby immediately after delivery, the uterus slowly contracts reducing the risk of post-labor hemorrhage. Also, nursing helps you to slowly regain your per-pregnancy weight, which often results in shedding off those extra pounds. Breastfeeding when done the right way, slows periods, which acts as a effective form of birth control. This is really beneficial for teen moms who cannot access other forms of birth control during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding also reduces the chances of developing ovarian cancer and breast cancer. (more…)

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New Labor-Tracking Tool Proposed To Reduce C-Sections in First-Time Moms

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Researchers have designed a new version of a labor-tracking tool for pregnant women that they predict could reduce the use of hormonal intervention during labor and lower the number of cesarean sections performed on low-risk, first-time mothers.

The tool, called a partograph, takes into account the most recent research findings that suggest labor is not a linear process, but is instead slower during earlier labor and accelerates gradually as labor advances. A diagnosis of abnormally slow labor is the No. 1 reason that C-sections are performed in low-risk births by first-time moms. (more…)

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UCLA Psychologists Discover a Gene’s Link to Optimism, Self-Esteem

UCLA life scientists have identified for the first time a particular gene’s link to optimism, self-esteem and “mastery,” the belief that one has control over one’s own life — three critical psychological resources for coping well with stress and depression.

“I have been looking for this gene for a few years, and it is not the gene I expected,” said Shelley E. Taylor, a distinguished professor of psychology at UCLA and senior author of the new research. “I knew there had to be a gene for these psychological resources.” (more…)

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