Tag Archives: labor

Schneebälle aus dem Labor

Wie Zuckerguss überzieht festes Helium die großen, fußballförmigen Kohlenstoff-Moleküle, die Innsbrucker Physiker im Labor erstmals erzeugt haben. Die Messungen an den „Schneebällen“ liefern wichtige Daten für die Suche nach Fullerenen im Weltall. Die Moleküle könnten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung des Lebens gespielt haben. (more…)

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Kometeneis im Labor

Poröses Eis, wie es im Weltall überall zu finden ist, haben der Innsbrucker Chemiker Thomas Lörting und sein Team näher unter die Lupe genommen. In der Fachzeitschrift Physical Review Letters berichten die Forscher, wie sie das amorphe Eis beim Aufwärmen beobachtet haben. Die als mögliche Geburtsstätte des Lebens geltenden Eisstrukturen zeigen dabei ein überraschendes Verhalten. (more…)

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New Labor-Tracking Tool Proposed To Reduce C-Sections in First-Time Moms

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Researchers have designed a new version of a labor-tracking tool for pregnant women that they predict could reduce the use of hormonal intervention during labor and lower the number of cesarean sections performed on low-risk, first-time mothers.

The tool, called a partograph, takes into account the most recent research findings that suggest labor is not a linear process, but is instead slower during earlier labor and accelerates gradually as labor advances. A diagnosis of abnormally slow labor is the No. 1 reason that C-sections are performed in low-risk births by first-time moms. (more…)

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Walking, Sex and Spicy Food are Favored Unprescribed Methods to Bring on Labor

COLUMBUS, Ohio – More than half of the women in a recently published survey reported that near the end of their pregnancies, they took it upon themselves to try to induce labor, mostly by walking, having sex, eating spicy food or stimulating their nipples.

Of the 201 women who responded to the survey at a Midwestern hospital, 102, or 50.7 percent, used these or other unprescribed methods to try to bring on labor. Other techniques they tried included exercise, laxative use, acupuncture, masturbation and herbal supplementation. (more…)

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