Tag Archives: optimization

SOLAR-JET: Forschergruppe stellt erstmals alternatives Kerosin aus Sonnenlicht, Wasser und CO2 her

Eine internationale Forschergruppe hat im Projekt SOLAR-JET zum weltweit ersten Mal Flugzeugtreibstoff aus Sonnenlicht, Wasser und Kohlenstoffdioxid hergestellt. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichem Kerosin, das aus Erdöl hergestellt wird, basiert der alternative Treibstoff auf fast unbegrenzt zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen und kann so in Zukunft einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit und Versorgungssicherheit des Luftverkehrs leisten. Zu den Projektpartnern zählen das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), die ETH Zürich, das Bauhaus Luftfahrt, Shell Global Solutions sowie das Beratungsunternehmen ARTTIC. (more…)

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Made in IBM Labs: Advancing Privacy and Security in the Cloud

Patented cryptography invention enables unlimited analysis of encrypted data

ARMONK, N.Y. – 23 Dec 2013: IBM inventors have received a patent for a breakthrough data encryption technique that is expected to further data privacy and strengthen cloud computing security.

The patented breakthrough, called “fully homomorphic encryption,” could enable deep and unrestricted analysis of encrypted information —intentionally scrambled data — without surrendering confidentiality. IBM’s solution has the potential to advance cloud computing privacy and security by enabling vendors to perform computations on client data, such as analyzing sales patterns, without exposing or revealing the original data. (more…)

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Testing Artificial Photosynthesis

Berkeley Lab Researchers Develop Fully Integrated Microfluidic Test-bed for Solar-driven Electrochemical Energy Conversion Systems

With the daily mean concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide having reached 400 parts-per-million for the first time in human history, the need for carbon-neutral alternatives to fossil fuel energy has never been more compelling. With enough energy in one hour’s worth of global sunlight to meet all human needs for a year, solar technologies are an ideal solution. However, a major challenge is to develop efficient ways to convert solar energy into electrochemical energy on a massive-scale. A key to meeting this challenge may lie in the ability to test such energy conversion schemes on the micro-scale.

Berkeley Lab researchers, working at the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP), have developed the first fully integrated microfluidic test-bed for evaluating and optimizing solar-driven electrochemical energy conversion systems. This test-bed system has already been used to study schemes for photovoltaic electrolysis of water, and can be readily adapted to study proposed artificial photosynthesis and fuel cell technologies. (more…)

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Placental Mammal Diversity Blossomed After Age of Dinosaurs

Scientists build new ‘tree of life’ for placentals, visualize common ancestor

Scientists have reconstructed the common ancestor of placental mammals–an extremely diverse group including animals ranging from rodents to whales to humans–using the world’s largest dataset of both genetic and physical traits. (more…)

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New Method For Estimating Parameters May Boost Biological Models

Modeling biological systems can provide key insights for scientists and medical researchers, but periodic cycles that repeat themselves – so-called oscillatory systems – pose some key challenges. Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new method for estimating the parameters used in such models – which may advance modeling in research areas ranging from cancer to fertility. (more…)

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