Tag Archives: Greenpeace

Chernobyl Effects Could Last for Centuries

Nearly 25 years after the worst nuclear accident in history, new scientific findings suggest that the effects of the explosion at Chernobyl have been underestimated. Experts last month published a series of studies indicating that, contrary to previous findings, populations of animals decreased in the exclusion zone surrounding the site of the former nuclear power plant, and that the effects of radioactive contamination after the outbreak had been “overwhelming.”


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Greenpeace’s Apple test

After Greenpeace published a report “Missed call: the iPhone’s hazarsoud chemicals” where Greenpeace investigation found two hazardous compounds, brominated flame retardants (BFR) and headphones containing PVC with Phthalates level over 1.5% by weight, much criticism could be seen on YouTube’s page showing the video. BFRs are very effective against fire and used widely in electronics, clothes and furniture from taking fire. Phthalates are toxic and can interfere with sexual development in mammals, means Phthalates are harmful for reproductive system.


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