Tag Archives: feedback

Feedback in Echtzeit

An der Universität Freiburg entwickelte Software erfasst Zuschauerreaktionen auf Fernsehdebatten

Mit einem an der Universität Freiburg entwickelten Analysetool können Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer im Fernsehen übertragene Debatten von Politikerinnen und Politikern in Echtzeit bewerten. Ein Team um Prof. Dr. Uwe Wagschal vom Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik und Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker vom Institut für Informatik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität testete den DEBAT-O-METER bei der Diskussion zwischen dem baden-württembergischen Ministerpräsidenten Winfried Kretschmann und dem Spitzenkandidaten der CDU für die Landtagswahl Guido Wolf, die der Südwestrundfunk am 14. Januar 2016 live im Fernsehen ausstrahlte. Es war das erste Mal, dass eine solche rein software-basierte Anwendung zur Bewertung politische Diskussionen in Deutschland zum Einsatz kam.


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Victims want to change, not just punish, offenders

Revenge is a dish best served with a side of change.

A series of experiments conducted by researchers affiliated with Princeton University has found that punishment is only satisfying to victims if the offenders change their attitude as a result of the punishment. (more…)

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Mysteries of neuroscience

What we don’t know: Neuroscience research at CMHC

The third floor of the CMHC houses the Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU), an inpatient and outpatient research facility. It’s an honor to be asked to start a dialogue with you about what we do on the CNRU. Over the next few months, I’d like to introduce you to the scientists and clinicians and their teams that work on the CNRU. Today I’d like to introduce you to some of the things we do on the 3rd floor.

Just as others in the building, my CNRU colleagues and I come to work to tackle the problems addressed on the other floors of the CMHC: the debilitating symptoms of mental illness including depression, hallucinations, delusions, drug addiction and anxiety to name a few. (more…)

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Smartphone as mentor: How tech could change behavior

ANN ARBOR — Funneling a steady stream of diversions straight to your pocket, smartphones are often cast as the ultimate distractors. But a University of Michigan engineering professor sees potential for them to be something quite the opposite.

What if they could act as mentors in mindfulness, helping users stay attentive in order to achieve particular goals? (more…)

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Songbirds’ Brains Coordinate Singing with Intricate Timing, Study Shows

Research may help explain how human brain governs speech

In an article in the current issue of Nature, neuroscientist Daniel Margoliash and colleagues show, for the first time, how the brain is organized to govern skilled performance—a finding that may lead to new ways of understanding human speech production. (more…)

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‘Most Verbose’: Meet Microsoft’s Original MVP

Twenty years ago, Calvin Hsia created a list of the “Most Verbose People” on a CompuServe forum that became Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional program.

REDMOND, Wash. – It’s 1993, and you need technical support. Who you gonna call?

Most techies at the time would plug in their modems and dial up CompuServe. In the days before Twitter, Facebook and broadband, CompuServe’s forums were a gathering place for geeks to talk shop and get answers to burning questions. (more…)

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Experiencing Discrimination Increases Risk-Taking, Anger, and Vigilance

Experiencing rejection not only affects how we think and feel — over the long-term it can also influence our physical and mental health. New research suggests that when rejection comes in the form of discrimination, people respond with a pattern of thoughts, behaviors, and physiological responses that may contribute to overall health disparities.

“Psychological factors, like discrimination, have been suggested as part of the causal mechanisms that explain how discrimination gets ‘under the skin’ to affect health,” says psychological scientist and senior researcher Wendy Berry Mendes of the University of California, San Francisco. “We wanted to explore the behavioral consequences that follow experiences of discrimination to better understand these mechanisms.” (more…)

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