Tag Archives: abraham lincoln

In conversation: Steven B. Smith on the importance of Abraham Lincoln — then and now

In commemoration of the death of President Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865, YaleNews spoke with Steven B. Smith, the Alfred Cowles Professor of Government and Philosophy and a scholar on the writings of Abraham Lincoln.

Smith, who edited and co-authored “The Writings of Abraham Lincoln,” discussed what made the nation’s 16th president an exemplary leader, why Lincoln’s writings are still important, and how Lincoln has taught us that language and principles matter in politics. (more…)

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Überwachung kann Richtung Totalitarismus abgleiten

(Teil 1) Um Terroranschläge zu verhindern, kommen Instrumente zur Anwendung, die jederzeit den Wandel zu einem Polizeistaat erlauben. (1)

Das Monitoring der Menschen, ob privat oder staatlich, folgt einer eigenen Logik. Wo ausgespäht und ausgehorcht wird, sind alle verdächtig. Niemand ist ausgenommen und der Generalverdacht zur Norm geworden, wie die neueste Episode in der Geschichte der amerikanischen National Security Agency (NSA) zeigt: Sogar das Handy der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel wurde von den US-Staatsschützern «abgegriffen», wie der Ausdruck lautet. (more…)

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UA Researchers Solve Mystery of Lincoln’s Funeral Train

With the 2015 sesquicentennial of Abraham Lincoln’s death approaching, interest is rising, and with new tools, UA researchers have turned their attention to one of the last remaining mysteries about what reportedly was the largest traditional funeral in American history – the train’s color.

A trove of information exists about Abraham Lincoln’s funeral, which drew millions of mourners during a two-week railway procession across the Northern states.

But until now, the precise color of the president’s railcar had been lost to history. (more…)

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


History buffs who thought they knew everything there was to know about the 16th President of the United States, and those who appreciate slick, supernatural action. (more…)

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