Author Archives: Shams

Mr. Splashy Pants & his friends

He is a humpback whale tracked via satellite by Greenpeace in an effort to protect him and his friends from harpooning mainly from the Japanese whale hunters. Humpbacks are migratory who travel thousands of kilometers from their feeding grounds in the Southern Ocean (Polar waters) to the tropical South Pacific for breeding and calving in Winter. (more…)

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Nanotechnology – the ultimate quantum level??

One nanometer equals one billionth or 10-9 of a meter. A very tiny unit of length. Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field of applied sciences where scientists are trying to understand matter on atomic or molecular scale, a very fine level. Most probably the ultimate quantum level. The aim is to develop devices within that tiny […]

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Desertec – electricity and fresh water

Solar power ‘Desertec’ – a project backed by the Jordanian Prince Hassan bin Talal, is aimed to use the deserts along the coast of northern Africa and some Middle East countries, to capture the Sun’s rays and to use this solar power for two distinct increasing demands – power generation and freshwater. Guardian reports about the scheme on its Sunday online edition.


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Was Adam the ‘first foreigner’ on this planet?

Creation - God creates Adam  As temptation went high Adam and Eve could not resist but fell victim of the serpent Satan, the angry ‘Almighty Lord King’ cursed the two species being enemy of each other and driven his beloved creation out of ‘Heaven’. They were created fully grown from earth and breathed the ‘breath of life’ from God. They did not experience certain span of time in the womb but found themselves as complete humans whom God taught knowledge. How much did God love them!!


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