Tag Archives: kinect for xbox

Neue Spinnengattung beißt bei Paarung zu

Spinnenforscher Dr. Peter Jäger vom Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut in Frankfurt hat eine neue Gattung aus der Familie der Riesenkrabbenspinnen entdeckt. Insgesamt konnte er innerhalb der Gattung vier neue Arten dieser in Südafrika und Namibia lebenden Spinnen beschreiben. Neben speziellen Borsten an den Fußspitzen, die vermutlich gegen das Einsinken im Sand helfen, fallen die Achtbeiner durch ein interessantes Paarungsverhalten auf. Die Studie ist kürzlich im Fachjournal „African Invertebrates“ erschienen. (more…)

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Xbox at 10: A Decade of Gaming

*A decade after its introduction, Xbox has grown into a global gaming phenomenon. A selection of highlights from the past 10 years.*

REDMOND, Wash. (Nov. 15, 2011) –– It’s hard to believe, but 10 years ago today, Microsoft introduced the world to Xbox, noting that the gaming system was “erupting” on the scene. The gaming system set sales records, with 100,000 units per week shipping to retailers in the first weeks after its launch. According to NPD Group, Microsoft sold 1.5 million Xbox units in North America between the Nov. 15 launch and the end of calendar year 2001, making Xbox the best-selling video game console launch on record. (more…)

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From the Lab to Your Living Room: Avatar Kinect to Project Your Expressions into a Virtual World

*Avatar Kinect, the facial recognition technology coming to Kinect for Xbox 360 this spring, started out in the lab and soon will end up in the living room. Avatar Kinect’s journey from prototype to product shows how ideas move from research to product at Microsoft.*

REDMOND, Wash., – May 16, 2011 – When you smile, your Xbox 360 avatar will smile with you. (more…)

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New Use for Kinect: Teaching Kids in Africa

*Microsoft employee Larry Venter, a native South African, had a hunch that Kinect for Xbox 360 could help the children at a rural school in his hometown get excited about learning English and that gaming could help in the fight against widespread illiteracy.*

REDMOND, Wash. – A story that began with a mischievous Icelandic volcano has ended happily with South African schoolchildren using Kinect for Xbox 360 to learn English. (more…)

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