Tag Archives: kathleen vohs

Study: Money affects children’s behavior, even if they don’t understand its value

The act of handling money makes young children work harder and give less, according to new research published by the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management and University of  Illinois at Chicago. The effect was observed in children who lacked concrete knowledge of money’s purpose, and persisted despite the denomination of the money. (more…)

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Elusive leptin

Researchers find first evidence of fat-regulating hormone in avian species

Since leptin was discovered 20 years ago, more than 115,000 papers have been published on this protein in humans, and another 5,000 have appeared on leptin in mice.

Leptin’s popularity is not surprising, as the hormone is the principal marker for the development of morbid obesity in humans. Leptin and its receptor play critical roles in the control of food intake and energy expenditure, thereby affecting body weight, abdominal fatness, thermogenesis, insulin sensitivity, and lipid metabolism. (more…)

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