Tag Archives: dream

Sometimes the Vatican thinks like a politician

The leaked US diplomatic cables from Wikileaks points to Vatican’s political mind. The cables reveal Pope John Paul II’s dream of a Christian Europe. The Pope and his Ministry were hopeful the introduction of Euro as a common currency in the European Union would help to realize that dream. (more…)

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A techie with a dream sparks a new generation of computer scientists

Read the improbable story of a Microsoft employee who twice turned down a traditional tech sector job so he could teach high school students, and then landed his dream job.

REDMOND, Wash. — Kevin Wang could have followed his career.

Instead, he chose to follow his calling.

It was the early 2000s, and Wang had just graduated from Berkeley with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering. He was trying to decide which tech company he should offer his services to, when a high school came calling. (more…)

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Substance Abuse Struggle

Former NBA player Herren recounts struggle with substance abuse

Former college basketball and NBA player Chris Herren spoke on the University of Delaware campus Thursday, April 19, about the struggle with substance abuse that eventually ended his career.

As a high school athlete, Herren played in the 1994 McDonald’s All-American game, was named player of the year from 1992-1994 by the Boston Globe and was the Gatorade New England Player of the Year from 1993-1994, before enrolling in Boston College to continue playing basketball. (more…)

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At UChicago, Many Have Dreams and Many Voiced Them in Honor of MLK’s Legacy

New York teacher Geoffrey Canada’s dream is for a stronger Harlem, with better educational opportunities for its children. Marianna Manzanares hopes that more of her fellow college students pay attention to issues affecting their communities and the world at large. Marcus Board dreams of a world where fear and doubt don’t hold people back from achieving their potential.

Hundreds of people from the UChicago community have voiced such dreams over the past two months as part of the preparations for the University’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Celebration on Thursday, Jan. 12. Community members and campus visitors were invited to share their dreams for a better life or a better world, by writing them on sticky notes and placing them on a mobile “Dream Wall” that traveled across campus. (more…)

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Saving Wildlife with Forensic Genetics

*Using forensic genetics techniques, the UA’s Conservation Genetics Lab is working to protect wild animals and catch the criminals in cases of wildlife crime.*

Wildlife face many threats with spreading urbanization, including habitat loss and inbreeding when populations become fragmented and isolated. It doesn’t help that there is a billion-dollar international industry dedicated to the illegal trafficking of wild animals or wild animal parts.

The Conservation Genetics Lab at the University of Arizona is working to conserve and protect wild animals around the world. (more…)

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Microsoft Announces Dream.Build.Play 2011 Challenge for Independent Game Developers

*Developers from around the world compete for share of $75,000 (U.S.)*

SAN FRANCISCO — Feb. 28, 2011 — Today Microsoft Corp. opened registration for the Dream.Build.Play 2011 Challenge, a contest sponsored by Microsoft to encourage independent game developers to create fun and innovative games using XNA Game Studio. Developers can register for the contest at https://www.dreambuildplay.com. Once registered, they have from May 17 to June 14, 2011, to submit their games to the contest.

Each game will be judged by three standards: how fun it is to play, how creative and unique it is, and how well it is produced. Four winners will be given a share of $75,000 (U.S.) and the opportunity to receive an Xbox LIVE Arcade publishing contract. The grand prize winner will receive $40,000 (U.S.), the first prize winner will receive $20,000 (U.S.), the second prize winner will receive $10,000 (U.S.) and the third prize winner will receive $5,000 (U.S.). (more…)

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