Tag Archives: army

The life of a cadet: early mornings, extra classes

Up before the crack of dawn three times a week for off-campus physical training and faced with an extra class and midterm project, ROTC cadets put in considerable extra work as students at Brown and students of the Army.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — It depends on the day, but a day in the life of an ROTC cadet can start quite early. (more…)

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‘My Intellectual Journey’

Ray Callahan discusses his career as historian, author of British military history

A head-on collision with the British Official Secrets Act of 1911 changed the focus of Raymond Callahan’s doctoral dissertation, but also led to a long and distinguished career as a teacher, researcher and author.     

Professor emeritus of history at UD, Callahan recounted his personal and professional journey during a “My Intellectual Journey” lecture, sponsored by the UD Association of Retired Faculty on Nov. 7 at the Courtyard Newark-University of Delaware.  (more…)

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UA Researchers Hunt Bomb-Eating Bugs

UA researchers are investigating bacterial eating habits as part of a $1 million study to determine the environmental fate of newly developed munitions.

University of Arizona researchers are studying the environmental effects of insensitive munitions compounds, or IMCs, which are new, more stable explosives that won’t detonate in response to heat or shock.

Not much is known about the environmental impact of IMCs, which the U.S. Department of Defense hopes will reduce injuries and fatalities among troops who handle explosives. (more…)

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