A study by Nielsen into the habits of Internet users in the United States of America might provide a guideline as to future Internet user habits round the globe, since the USA sets the trend in virtual reality. What were the findings of this study? For a start, a huge disparity in Internet access via PC and mobile means. And by 2014, the video will dominate nearly 100% of web-use?
Social networks (22.7%) and online games (10.2%) (for example Facebook and Farmville) take up a third of the online time of US internet users, whereas at the same time last year these two activities represented just a quarter of the time occupied.
The big loser is the email accessed from the computer (falling from 11.5% to 8.3%) while videos/movies rose from 3.5 to 3.9%. However, access from smart phones is radically different: 41.6% of the time is spent in accessing e-mails, while in second place came portals (12%) and in third, on around 10%, social networks and blogs.
According to a report by Cisco, network equipment manufacturer, internet data traffic will reach 767 exabytes (one billion gigabytes) per year by 2014 and around 91% of net use will be occupied by videos, representing 72 million years of film production.
This trend has been confirmed in an interview by Suraj Shetty, Cisco Vice-President for Marketing Services, in an interview with Reuters. Mr. Shetty quoted the importance of sites such as YouTube and download facilities such as Netflix in popularity stakes among users.
*The post is written by – Shailendra De SOUZA