Mexico Leads Latin America in Online Video Penetration and Engagement

*comScore Releases Latest Report on Online Video Viewing in Latin America*

Santiago, Chile May 3, 2011– comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released a study of online video viewing behaviors in Latin America based on data from its comScore Video Metrix Service. The report found that in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile more than 80 percent of all online users viewed video content in March 2011, with viewers in Mexico spending the most time watching online video at an average of 10.5 hours per viewer during the month.

“Online video has emerged as one of the fastest growing digital consumer behaviors in Latin America,” said Alejandro Fosk, comScore senior vice president of Latin America. “Across a variety of content categories, including entertainment, news, and sports, online video is becoming a more integral component. Effectively and efficiently monetizing video content represents an important next step for this developing industry.”

4 out of 5 Internet Users Watch Online Video in Latin America

In March 2011, more than 80 percent of Internet users age 15 and older in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile watched online video from a home or work computer. Brazil, home to the largest Internet population in the region, saw 35.9 million people view online video during the month, with viewers watching a total of 3.1 billion videos. Mexico had the highest reach, with 87 percent of its web population watching nearly 2 billion online videos.

More than 11 million web users in Argentina (86.5 percent reach) and nearly 6.1 million Internet users in Chile (83.2 percent reach) viewed online video.

Online Video Viewing Behavior by Market
March 2011
Total Audience Age 15+, Home/Work Locations
Source: comScore Video Metrix
Total Internet
Total Unique Viewers (000) % Reach Internet Population No. of Videos (000)
Brazil 35,907 86.5% 3,112,710
Mexico 16,279 87.1% 1,879,976
Argentina 11,190 86.5% 986,753
Chile 6,091 83.2% 562,793

Viewers Watching More than 8 Hours of Online Video Content per Month

An average viewer in the four markets analyzed consumed between 8 to11 hours of video content during March 2011. Mexicans displayed the strongest engagement averaging 10.5 hours of viewing during the month and consuming an average of 115 videos per viewer. Chileans viewed an average of 8.6 hours of video online, consuming 92 videos per viewer, while Brazilians averaged 8.6 hours of viewing and 86 videos per viewer. Argentines averaged the shortest amount of time viewing video during the month at 8.3 hours. Across all four markets, video viewing remained largely concentrated on short-form videos with average video length between 5 to 6 minutes.

Online Video Viewing Behavior by Market
March 2011
Total Audience Age 15+, Home/Work Locations
Source: comScore Video Metrix
Total Internet
Videos per Viewer Hours per Viewer Minutes per Video
Brazil 86.7 8.6 6.0
Mexico 115.5 10.5 5.5
Argentina 88.2 8.3 5.6
Chile 92.4 8.6 5.6

*Source: comScore

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