Tag Archives: protein industry

Landmark genetic analysis identifies how woolly mammoth adapted to arctic life

The first comprehensive analysis of the woolly mammoth genome reveals extensive genetic changes that allowed mammoths to adapt to life in the arctic. Mammoth genes that differed from their counterparts in elephants played roles in skin and hair development, fat metabolism, insulin signaling and numerous other traits. Genes linked to physical traits such as skull shape, small ears and short tails were also identified. As a test of function, a mammoth gene involved in temperature sensation was resurrected in the laboratory and its protein product characterized. (more…)

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Ancient ‘genomic parasites’ spurred evolution of pregnancy in mammals

Study identifies thousands of genes that were turned on or off in the uterus during the evolution of pregnancy

An international team of scientists has identified large-scale genetic changes that marked the evolution of pregnancy in mammals. (more…)

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