Tag Archives: plato

In conversation: Verity Harte on a decade-long project devoted to reading Plato’s ‘Republic’

Each year, faculty and graduate students in the field of ancient Greek philosophy gather at Yale or King’s College London to read one of the 10 books of the seminal work Plato’s “Republic.” The seminar brings together faculty and graduate students specializing in ancient philosophy from Yale and King’s College London, as well as invited faculty and graduate students from Cornell University, and invited faculty from other universities in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. The seminar is sponsored by the Yale Provost’s Office and the Whitney Humanities Center. (more…)

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Mit Weltraumteleskop PLATO 2.0 auf der Suche nach der zweiten Erde

In einer genau ausbalancierten günstigen Entfernung von seinem Stern, mit Wasser auf der Oberfläche, so sollte der Planet sein, den die Wissenschaftler der PLATO-Mission außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems entdecken wollen. Unter der Leitung des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) wird ein internationales Konsortium sich auf die Suche nach dieser zweiten Erde machen. 2024 soll das Weltraumteleskop starten, das die Europäische Weltraumorganisation ESA am 19. Februar 2014 unter fünf vorgeschlagenen Missionen ausgewählt hat. “Wir werden Planeten finden, die ihren sonnenähnlichen Stern in der lebensfreundlichen, der habitablen Zone umkreisen: Planeten, auf deren Oberfläche Wasser vorhanden sein könnte und auf denen dann vielleicht sogar die Entwicklung von Leben, wie wir es kennen, möglich wäre”, sagt Prof. Heike Rauer vom DLR-Institut für Planetenforschung , die das PLATO-Instrumentenkonsortium leitet. (more…)

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Mathematical beauty activates same brain region as great art or music

People who appreciate the beauty of mathematics activate the same part of their brain when they look at aesthetically pleasing formula as others do when appreciating art or music, suggesting that there is a neurobiological basis to beauty.

There are many different sources of beauty – a beautiful face, a picturesque landscape, a great symphony are all examples of beauty derived from sensory experiences. But there are other, highly intellectual sources of beauty. Mathematicians often describe mathematical formulae in emotive terms and the experience of mathematical beauty has often been compared by them to the experience of beauty derived from the greatest art. (more…)

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The origins of laughter

We know the benefits of laughter on health. But why do we laugh? What are the evolutionary origins of laughter and humour? Steven Légaré has asked these questions and has made them the subject of his master’s thesis, which he recently submitted to the Université de Montréal’s Department of Anthropology.

“Science provides few answers to these questions other than in psychology and neuroscience. From the perspective of anthropology, laughter and humour are often overlooked. However, it is a serious subject,” says the recent graduate. (more…)

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