Tag Archives: multiple myelom

Nährboden für Tumorentwicklung charakterisiert

ForscherInnen analysierten über 6.000 Proteine in Tumorzellen von PatientInnen mit Multiplem Myelom

Das Multiple Myelom ist eine bis dato weitgehend unheilbare Tumorerkrankung, die sich aus einer prämalignen Vorstufe entwickelt und dessen Entstehungsmechanismen noch nicht vollständig geklärt sind. ForscherInnen um Astrid Slany von der Fakultät für Chemie der Universität Wien haben nun in einer groß angelegten Proteomiks-Studie Tumorzellen in verschiedenen Stadien – von der Vorstufe MGUS bis hin zum fortgeschrittenen Multiplen Myelom – verglichen und Mechanismen identifiziert, die zur Progression der Erkrankung führen. Ihre Studie ist aktuell im Journal “Molecular and Cellular Proteomics” erschienen. (more…)

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Three Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Naturally

While outdoor pollution always seems to be on the forefront of all of our minds, many people don’t stop to consider the quality of the air indoors and inside their own home. It is a little known fact that indoor air quality can be up to five times worse than outdoor air quality. Additionally, the EPA has ranked indoor air pollution as one of the top five environmental concerns that we face on a daily basis and that up to 50% of illnesses are caused or made worse by inadequate indoor air quality. When you stop to think about these statistics, it is concerning that we spend most of our time in our homes being exposed to these pollutants. This article will discuss some simple ways to improve your indoor air quality in your home naturally so that you and your family can remain safe and healthy.

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Simple Maintenance tips to Save Energy and Money

Article by Michelle Patterson

There are many things that we, as home owners, try to do to keep cost down. One area that can offer great savings is HVAC.  Like any other major appliance, your HVAC system slowly wears down with time. You can help slow down the aging process, and keep from replacing your system before you are ready. There are several things that help with HVAC system cost such as: routine maintenance, shading, vegetation, and service contracts. Learn more about these simple maintenance options below. (more…)

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How to avoid unwanted Heating Costs

Article by Michelle Patterson

As you heat your home during the winter season, you will find the cost to do so is quite high. When you have to constantly provide warm comfort in the home, your heating system must use energy. A heating and cooling system both require energy to operate effectively and this unfortunately can cost you more money. Air conditioning heating and cooling systems such as central units can have a high operation cost if you do not know how to maintain your usage. Below are a few tips on how you can lower the cost of heating in your home but maintain the comfort you need during the winter season. (more…)

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