Tag Archives: hawaii

Giant Star Goes Supernova — and is Smothered by Its Own Dust

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A giant star in a faraway galaxy recently ended its life with a dust-shrouded whimper instead of the more typical bang.

Ohio State University researchers suspect that this odd event — the first one of its kind ever viewed by astronomers – was more common early in the universe. (more…)

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Native Hawaiians: Vulnerability to Early Death at all Ages

ANN ARBOR, Mich.— Throughout their lives, Native Hawaiians have higher risks of death than white Americans, according to a University of Michigan study.              

The research is the first known study to assess mortality patterns among Native Hawaiians at the national level, including those living outside the state of Hawaii.


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Asteroid Found in Gravitational “Dead Zone”

Washington, D.C.—There are places in space where the gravitational tug between a planet and the Sun balance out, allowing other smaller bodies to remain stable. These places are called Lagrangian points. So-called Trojan asteroids have been found in some of these stable spots near Jupiter and Neptune. Trojans share their planet’s orbit and help astronomers understand how the planets formed and how the solar system evolved.


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