Tag Archives: gangs

Internet Banging: Gangs Use Social Media to Trade Insults, Threats

ANN ARBOR — Gangs now occupy two spaces: the streets and the Internet.

A new University of Michigan study reports that, in addition to carrying guns, gang members have armed themselves with social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to incite dares, trade insults or make threats that may result in homicide or other crimes.

Researchers have described this new interaction as “Internet banging.” They examine several factors, including the role of hip-hop music in this phenomenon and urban masculinity’s influence on social media behavior. (more…)

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At Kartemquin Film Screening, ‘Interrupters’ Speak About Stopping Violence

Ricardo “Cobe” Williams isn’t shy about admitting his troubled past.

“For most of my life, I was part of the problem,” Williams told a group of students in the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities (MAPH) last month.

But Williams, who spent a combined 13-and- a-half years in prison, has dedicated his life to preventing others from following in his footsteps. (more…)

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Boy ohh Boy, and your ‘Warrior gene’

You read it good. The English word ‘Warrior’ is someway, all the way, related to some kind of ‘fighting’. And those who are now attributed to this ‘Warrior’ group are boys. 

But who are these boys. 😉


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