Tag Archives: embryo


Forscher entschlüsseln, wie Pflanzen durch ein Hormon den Aufbau ihrer Embryonen steuern

Ein internationales Team um den Freiburger Pflanzenbiologen Prof. Dr. Thomas Laux hat nachgewiesen, dass Mutterpflanzen den Aufbau ihrer Embryonen über das Hormon Auxin beeinflussen. Dieses Ergebnis kann dazu beitragen, dass in Zukunft Pflanzen effektiver, zum Beispiel widerstandsfähiger gegen Umwelteinflüsse, gezüchtet werden. Ihre Studie veröffentlichten die Forscherinnen und Forscher im Fachjournal „Nature Plants“. (more…)

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48 Millionen Jahre alte Plazenta

Wissenschaftler des Senckenberg Forschungsinstituts haben gemeinsam mit einer Kollegin von der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität in Wien den Fötus einer 48 Millionen Jahre alten Urpferdchen-Stute aus der Fossilfundstätte Grube Messel untersucht. In dem einmalig gut erhaltenen Fossil konnte das Forscherteam eine versteinerte Gebärmutter mit Mutterkuchen (Uteroplazenta) entdecken – der älteste Fund dieses Fortpflanzungssystems weltweit. Der Fund zeigt, dass die Entwicklung des Fortpflanzungsapparates bei den Vorfahren der heutigen Pferde früher stattfand, als bisher vermutet. Die Studie wird heute im renommierten Fachjournal PLOS ONE veröffentlicht.  (more…)

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Can Plants be Altruistic? You Bet, Says New CU-Boulder-led Study

We’ve all heard examples of animal altruism: Dogs caring for orphaned kittens, chimps sharing food or dolphins nudging injured mates to the surface. Now, a study led by the University of Colorado Boulder suggests some plants are altruistic too.

The researchers looked at corn, in which each fertilized seed contained two “siblings” — an embryo and a corresponding bit of tissue known as endosperm that feeds the embryo as the seed grows, said CU-Boulder Professor Pamela Diggle. They compared the growth and behavior of the embryos and endosperm in seeds sharing the same mother and father with the growth and behavior of embryos and endosperm that had genetically different parents. (more…)

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Seed Size is Controlled by Maternally Produced Small Rnas, Scientists Find

AUSTIN, Texas — Seed size is controlled by small RNA molecules inherited from a plant’s mother, a discovery from scientists at The University of Texas at Austin that has implications for agriculture and understanding plant evolution.

“Crop seeds provide nearly 70 to 80 percent of calories and 60 to 70 percent of all proteins consumed by the human population,” said Z. Jeff Chen, the D.J. Sibley Centennial Professor in Plant Molecular Genetics at The University of Texas at Austin. “Seed production is obviously very important for agriculture and plant evolution.” (more…)

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MU Researchers Identify Differences in Facial Characteristics of Children with Autism Compared to Typically Developing Children

*Research is a step toward understanding cause of autism*

COLUMBIA, Mo. The face and brain develop in coordination, with each influencing the other, beginning in the embryo and continuing through adolescence. Now, University of Missouri researchers have found distinct differences between the facial characteristics of children with autism compared to those of typically developing children. This knowledge could help researchers understand the origins of autism.

“There is no clear answer about whether autism is caused by genetics or by environmental influences,” said Kristina Aldridge, lead author and assistant professor of anatomy in the MU School of Medicine and the Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. “If we can identify when these facial changes occur, we could pinpoint when autism may begin to develop in a child. Knowing that point in time could lead us to identify a genetic cause, a window of time when the embryo may be susceptible to an environmental factor, or both.” (more…)

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