Latin America’s Internet Population Grows 15 Percent in Past Year to 112 Million People

*Venezuela and Colombia Web Populations Experience Highest Growth, Brazil Home to Most Engaged Users* 

*comScore Presents Complimentary Webinar “The 2010 Digital Year in Review: Latin America”*  

Santiago, Chile, March 18, 2011 – comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released the latest results from a study of the growth in the Internet audience in Latin America based on data from its comScore Media Metrix service. The study found that in the past year the Internet population in Latin America has increased 15 percent to 112.7 million visitors as the region’s digital ecosystem continued to grow and develop. The results of the study will be presented along with other key online trends via a complimentary, live webinar 2010 Digital Year in Review Latin America on Tuesday, March 22. For more information and to register, please visit: Note: Webinar will be presented in Spanish. 

“During the past year, Latin America has experienced strong growth in Internet usage throughout the region,” said Alejandro Fosk, comScore senior vice president of Latin America. “Consumers are turning to the Internet for a variety of activities including communication, social connection, information and commerce, as the web becomes an increasingly valuable resource for consumers and marketers alike. With continued growth expected across the region, advertisers and publishers are just beginning to realize the tremendous potential that exists for this channel throughout Latin America.” 

Latin America Internet Population Up 15 Percent in Past Year 

In January 2011, 112.7 million people age 15 and older accessed the Internet from a home or work location in Latin America, representing a 15-percent increase in users from the previous year, as the region continued to show strong growth in the numbers of consumers gaining access to the Internet. Brazil, the largest online market in Latin America, grew 20 percent in the past year to 40.5 million users, while Mexico’s online population surged 21 percent to 18.1 million. Venezuela, which represents a relatively small online market at 2.9 million, achieved the highest rate of growth in the past year at 27 percent. 

Latin America Market Growth by Total Internet Users
January 2011 vs. January 2010
Total Latin America Internet Audience**, Age 15+
Home & Work Locations
Source: comScore Media Metrix
  Total Internet (000)
Jan-2010 Jan-2011 % Change
Latin America 98,139 112,659 15
Brazil 33,789 40,528 20
Mexico 15,005 18,109 21
Argentina 12,626 12,850 2
Colombia 10,007 12,416 24
Chile 6,792 7,304 8
Venezuela 2,295 2,910 27
Puerto Rico 1,132 1,228 8

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs 

Brazilians Lead Region as Most Engaged Users  

An analysis of user engagement found that an average Internet user in Latin America spent 24 hours online during January 2011, consuming 1,795 pages of content and visiting the Internet nearly 50 times during the month. Looking across individual markets, Brazilians were the most engaged users averaging the most time spent online (25.8 hours), the most pages of content (2,077 pages) and the most monthly visits (55.5 visits). Argentineans and Mexicans both were more engaged than the regional average, with an Internet user in Argentina spending an average of 25.5 hours online per month and an average user in Mexico spending 25.3 hours. 

Internet User Engagement by Market
January 2011
Total Latin America Internet Audience**, Age 15+
Home & Work Locations
Source: comScore Media Metrix
  Average Hours per Visitor Average Pages per Visitor Average Visits per Visitor
Latin America 24.0 1,795 49.5
Brazil 25.8 2,077 55.5
Mexico 25.3 1,628 46.9
Argentina 25.5 1,875 53.8
Colombia 21.1 1,634 42.7
Chile 22.0 1,652 45.2
Venezuela 21.1 1,684 46.2
Puerto Rico 18.0 1,410 41.4

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs 

Alejandro Fosk, comScore senior vice president for Latin America, will present the 2010 Digital Year in Review Latin America via live, complimentary webinar on Tuesday, March 22 from 11:00AM-12:00PM EDT. Note: The webinar will be presented in Spanish. For more information and to register, please visit: Note: Webinar will be presented in Spanish. 

*Source: comScore

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