Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change: The Cows Did It!!

*Paul McCartney and Daughters Publish Booklet for Vegetarian Newspaper – -Newspaper speaks of the campaign promoted by the former Beatle in order to avoid eating meat on Mondays.* 

Paul McCartney and daughters, Mary and Stella, are helping to publish a special supplement of a healthy and very tasty vegetarian diet of foods published by the British Sunday newspaper “The Observer.”

“I did many things in my life, but this is the first time they asked for me and my family to publish a magazine supplement,” says the musician in the presentation. McCartney, 66, accepts that not everyone will become vegetarian. He has, however, urged meat eaters to consider going vegetarian one day a week. 

Paul says that when he and his first wife, Linda, raised their children on a vegetarian diet, the main reason was the deep love they felt for animals. “But once we saw that the kitchens of many cultures had avoided meat dishes, we began to explore various options and, soon, we came across a huge repertoire of healthy food and, most importantly, very tasty,” he says.  

The former Beatle is currently promoting a campaign to avoid eating meat on Mondays as a way to save the environment. He recalls that, according to a UN report, the worldwide livestock industry is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector.

Stella McCartney explains that the special issue they published does not attempt to turn readers into vegetarians, but make them see that a diet of that kind can help lead to a healthier life, helps the ecology, and besides is much cheaper.  

The supplement contains interviews with McCartney in which three different topics, including the “art of raising children without burgers” as well as favorite recipes of famous chefs like Jamie Oliver or entertainers as actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Natalie Portamar.  

About the video. Say.Say.Say –  Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson. 

*The post is translated from Portuguese version by – Lisa Karpova 

*Source: Pravda

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