Google Sites, and Microsoft Sites Rank as Most-Visited Online Destinations in Chile

*comScore Releases Report: State of the Internet with a Focus on Chile* 

Santiago, Chile August 30, 2010 – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released a report on the top Internet destinations in Chile based on data from its comScore Media Metrix Service. The report found that Google Sites led as the most-visited Internet property in the market, reaching 95 percent of all Chileans online. ranked as the second-most visited property reaching 6.2 million unique visitors, followed by Microsoft Sites which reached 6.1 million visitors. These and other relevant findings are presented in the comScore report: The State of the Internet with a focus on Chile. To register for the webinar, please visit: 

“Internet access, usage and engagement in Latin America continue to show strong growth across the region,” said Alejandro Fosk, senior vice president of comScore Latin America. “As one of the most developed digital markets in Latin America, Chile provides both global and local brands with the opportunity to reach a growing audience of users that are continually turning to the Internet as a source of information, entertainment and communication on a daily basis.”  

Google Sites Captures Largest Number of Visitors, a Close Second

In May 2010, 7.1 million people age 15 and older visited the Internet from a home or work location in Chile, a 16-percent increase from the previous year, making Chile one of the fastest-growing online markets. Google Sites ranked as the most-visited Internet property with 6.8 million visitors, up 27 percent from the previous year. ranked as the #2 most-visited destination reaching more than 6.2 million visitors, as it surged 41 percent from the previous year as the social networking site continued to gain popularity across the Latin America region. Microsoft Sites ranked third with 6.1 million visitors, an increase of 20 percent, while Terra – Telefonica captured the #4 spot with 4.1 million visitors, nearly doubling its audience base from the last year. 

Top 15 Internet Properties in Chile by Unique Visitors
May 2010 vs. May 2009
Total Audience Age 15+ Chile – Home/Work Location*
Source: comScore Media Metrix

Total Unique Visitors (000)
May-2009 May-2010 % Change
Total Internet : Total Audience 6,145 7,114 16
Google Sites 5,355 6,797 27
FACEBOOK.COM 4,399 6,219 41
Microsoft Sites 5,050 6,069 20
Terra – Telefonica 2,179 4,120 89
Yahoo! Sites 2,763 3,397 23
Wikimedia Foundation Sites 2,239 3,215 44
Empresa El Mercurio S.A.P. 2,081 2,888 39
TARINGA.NET 1,462 2,495 71
Grupo La Tercera 1,636 2,175 33
Hi-Media Group 2,364 2,114 -11
Orange Sites 1,301 2,103 62
WordPress 1,580 2,079 32
MercadoLibre 1,846 2,056 11
NetShelter Technology Media 1,467 1,761 20
MEGAUPLOAD.COM 973 1,661 71

 *Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or
access from mobile phones or PDAs.

Additional findings from the report include:

  • An average Internet user in Chile spent more than 23 hours online during May, consuming 1,740 pages of content and averaging 45 online visits during the month.
  • Nearly all Internet users in Chile visited a social networking site in May, with leading as the most-visited social networking destination. experienced tremendous growth in Chile increasing its audience base by more than four times to reach 824,000 unique visitors in May.
  • Chileans’ showed their savvy for staying connected online with 4 out of 5 Internet users accessing e-mail and 70 percent accessing an Instant Messenger service.
  • Online entertainment usage continued to grow throughout the past year with nearly 98 percent of all Internet users in the market frequenting an entertainment site during the month. YouTube led as the most-visited Entertainment destination with visitors averaging more than 2 hours on the site during the month.
  • The average Internet user in Chile performed 144 searches in May, one of the highest rates globally. Google Sites dominated the search landscape capturing nearly 86 percent of the market.

To register for the webinar, The State of the Internet with a focus on Chile, please visit: 

*Source: comScore

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