Did Facebook exceed YouTube in Global Traffic already?

Looks like. At least from today’s Alexa web info. 

It shows that Facebook is now the No.3 most visited site replacing YouTube. YouTube now has the 4th position.

According to Alexa data, ‘Reach’ or percent of global internet users who visit Facebook.com was 22.52% for yesterday, while for YouTube it was 19.48%. A huge difference. Looks like YouTube is no more a competitor for Facebook. 

Today’s graph of traffic for daily reach: Facebook vs. YouTube

Facebook vs. YouTube for daily global traffic reach

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2 comments on “Did Facebook exceed YouTube in Global Traffic already?”

  1. payday today

    Good day!

    Im a newbie here, although i have been watching on the sidelines for a little while.
    Im a part time librarian, love baking and my wesie Daisy. I also am way too excited about Christmas for words!!
    I cant wait to get on here some more and ‘meet’ lots of new people!

    Take care, John from Payday Loans!

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