Google’s share went up 300 again. How this could happen? What’s the secret behind it??
It’s very simple.
Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt certainly has good connections with
What’s a Mantra? – A Mantra is a holy word, not necessarily need to be a secret one, that the devotee takes seriously in his or her heart and repeats many times a day. After some time, the powerful positive vibrations that emanates from every repetition, can change the world around you 180°.
Only 180°, what about other degrees? Well that should be possible as well. Just Tryy. 🙂
So now you know ‘behind the curtain’ mechanisms and the mechanics. Microsoft and Yahoo! are missing the power of such specific business-oriented mantras. They should now seriously look for a Guru.
Are you still interested to know more about ‘Mantra’? Then you are highly recommended to navigate the digital library of 21st Century, widely, wildly and popularly know as – Wikipedia.