The Black Man in the White House




Great to see the first Black Man winning to be the the Preseident of the United States of America. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Obama!!!

Which was even hard to imagine a year before now that came true. But this is not only the matter of politics, people wanted and needed a ‘change’. That change came through Barack Obama. Obama worked hard, he is an honest man, intelligent and possesses certain wisdom that is probably absent with majority of the politicians. Not only rhetoric but talking about the real problems and sound plans to solve these issues is vital in today’s world. World is getting smaller and smaller – Obama’s victory and the way it is celebrated throughout the World is the best example of this change. People are glad to feel that they have someone from within them to lead the world. America’s President is not any North American figure, it has much wider influence in World’s politics. 

There are two vital issues that lead an unprecedented victory for Barack Obama. People were scared that a McCain-Palin run government would engage into war and waste money and energy in unproductive sectors. Then came the financial crisis as ‘blessings’ for Obama’s campaign and ‘hard-hit’ for John McCain. People with wonder saw the imprudent assessment of the financial crisis by John McCain whereas Barack Obama was always analyzing the crisis and putting forward realistic steps to the issues to bring it to normalcy. This became the ‘pivotal point’ in the final weeks of the election campaign. 

Obama showed wisdom and confidence while Senator McCain did everything to sink his boat by taking Palin next to him. 

We are extremely happy to see Barack Obama won the elections. Hope won – now time’s started to work hard to fulfil all the promises sworn in public. Obama is young, and open-minded. His speech has a positive influence on the audience. Now with the help of all the good-hearts that made this ‘change’ to happen, let’s hope the new President of America will bring real positive change in the World (that has so much burdened with war and a glooming climate change). 

Good LUCK and HARD Work Mr. President.

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