Tag Archives: mediterranean

Study shows sharks have personalities

Some sharks are ‘gregarious’ and have strong social connections, whilst others are more solitary and prefer to remain inconspicuous, according to a new study which is the first to show that the notorious predators have personality traits.

Personalities are known to exist in many animals, but are usually defined by individual characteristics such as how exploratory, bold or aggressive an individual is. (more…)

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Chemical Analysis Confirms Discovery of Oldest Wine-making Equipment Ever Found

*UCLA scientists use new scientific method to verify vintage 4100 B.C. wine*

Analysis by a UCLA-led team of scientists has confirmed the discovery of the oldest complete wine production facility ever found, including grape seeds, withered grape vines, remains of pressed grapes, a rudimentary wine press, a clay vat apparently used for fermentation, wine-soaked potsherds, and even a cup and drinking bowl.  (more…)

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