Tag Archives: mao zedong

China: Mehr Kinder fürs Wachstum

China lockert die strikte Ein-Kind-Politik: Paare dürfen künftig auch zwei Kinder haben, wenn ein Partner ein Einzelkind ist.

Mao Zedong verhöhnte einst die USA als «Papiertiger». Ein von den USA angezettelter Atomkrieg, so der «Grosse Steuermann», könne China nichts anhaben, denn auf hundert Millionen Menschen mehr oder weniger komme es in China nicht an. Kurz, Maos Bevölkerungs-Credo bestand in der Überzeugung, dass der Nation am besten mit einem möglichst hohen Bevölkerungswachstum gedient sei. Diese Position war zwar nicht unbestritten, doch Mao setzte sich durch. Während seines Regnums von 1949 bis 1976 vermehrte sich Chinas Bevölkerung von knapp über 500 auf etwas über 900 Millionen Einwohner. (more…)

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Krieg den Palästen! Made in China

Am 26. Dezember wäre der Grosse Steuermanns Mao Zedong 120 Jahre alt geworden. Mao ist umstritten und beliebt zugleich. Bis heute.

In Maos Geburtsort Shaoshan in der Provinz Hunan ist mit der ganz grossen Kelle angerichtet worden. Über zwei Milliarden Yuan – umgerechnet rund 300 Millionen Franken – gab man für verschiedene Erinnerungs-Projekte aus. Unter anderem wurde das Shaoshan-Mao-Museum, der dortige Mao-Platz oder Maos ehemaliges Wohnhaus zum 120. Geburtstag renoviert und herausgeputzt. Sowohl in Shaoshan als auch anderswo in China finden akademische Seminare, Gedenkfeiern, Kunstausstellungen, Sportveranstaltungen, Konzerte, Theateraufführubgen oder Postmarken-Ausgaben statt. (more…)

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New Book Traces Black Panthers’ Evolution from Local Activists to Global Anti-Imperialists

History has long denied the political genius of the Black Panther Party. At worst, its members have been cast as unconscionable criminals. At best, such seminal figures as party founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale and early supporter Stokely Carmichael have been portrayed as outlaw folk heroes who, propelled by the progressive winds of the late 1960s, dared to take on the establishment.

But a UCLA graduate student in sociology who worked alongside former Panthers a decade ago as a community organizer in Oakland, Calif., didn’t buy the conventional wisdom. (more…)

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China’s Urbanization Unlikely To Lead To Fast Growth of Middle Class: UW Geographer

The number of people living in China’s cities, which last year for the first time surpassed 50 percent of the national population, is considered a boon for the consumer goods market. That is based on the assumption that there will be more families with more disposable income when poor farmers from China’s countryside move to cities and become middle-class industrial and office workers. (more…)

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Performance Recalls Faculty Member’s Years As One of China’s ‘Sent-down’ Youth

In 1968, when Su Wei left his family behind and voluntarily joined the millions of urban youth who were being sent by Chinese leader Mao Zedong into the countryside to work the land as part of a “re-education” movement, his spirit was nearly broken.

As part of Mao’s “up to the mountains and down to the villages” campaign, initiated in 1968 to quell civil unrest during the Cultural Revolution, all urban 16-year-olds were commanded to travel to rural villages to be schooled in hard agricultural labor. More than 20 million teenagers were sent to work in the countryside, often devoting more than a decade of their lives to farm labor. Not only did this deprive them of a formal education, but parting from their families was a heart-wrenching experience for most of the youngsters. However, for then 15-year-old Su — now a senior lector in East Asian languages at Yale — leaving life in Guangzhou (Canton) represented an escape from an even more brutal life, and so he set off eagerly for the countryside even before he was required to do so. (more…)

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