Tag Archives: indian jumping ants

‘Princess Pheromone’ Tells Ants Which Larvae Are Destined to Be Queens

For Indian jumping ants (Harpegnathos saltator), becoming royalty is all about timing.

If a larva gives signs of maturing into a queen at the wrong time, it is physically harassed into remaining a humble worker. But the same cues at the right time give the larva access to the resources it needs to thrive and develop as a queen. Now scientists have identified the “princess pheromone” that tells a colony when an ant larva is aiming for coronation. (more…)

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Economics successes

UD economics doctoral graduates share their accomplishments

Graduates of the University of Delaware’s doctoral program in economics have been making great strides in their chosen fields since graduation. 

Whether advising young entrepreneurs or improving methods for measuring important national statistics, these graduates have been impacting economics across the world and putting their UD doctorate degrees to good use. (more…)

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