Tag Archives: ghagra

Styles and Culture in South Asia Clothing

The style and culture of clothing in South Asia have had their significance and relevance for many years. The peoples of South Asia, to a large extent, share a common cultural heritage. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka work appropriately and distinctively to produce confident consumers of youthful fashion who prove essential to the fashion market. (more…)

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Fische in Hochgebirgsseen verweiblichen

Hormonell aktive Umweltgifte, die aus der untersten Schicht der Erdatmosphäre in entlegene Hochgebirgsseen gelangen, lassen Fischmännchen zu Weibchen werden. Das hat Reinhard Lackner vom Institut für Zoologie gemeinsam mit spanischen Kollegen nachgewiesen. Die Forscher berichten darüber in der Fachzeitschrift Nature Scientific Reports. (more…)

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