Tag Archives: root canal

Root Canal Symptoms: 6 Ways to Tell If You Need a Root Canal

Dental procedures usually differ according to the specific need of the client. A consultation with the dentist is one of the best ways on how you can identify the exact treatment you should have. Your specific experience and the symptoms will give the dentist an idea of what should be done to deal with your teeth problem. One of the most common treatments that people with weak or decayed teeth get is a root canal.  (more…)

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Fische in Hochgebirgsseen verweiblichen

Hormonell aktive Umweltgifte, die aus der untersten Schicht der Erdatmosphäre in entlegene Hochgebirgsseen gelangen, lassen Fischmännchen zu Weibchen werden. Das hat Reinhard Lackner vom Institut für Zoologie gemeinsam mit spanischen Kollegen nachgewiesen. Die Forscher berichten darüber in der Fachzeitschrift Nature Scientific Reports. (more…)

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