Tag Archives: eyjafjallajökull

Ein Vulkan erwacht – Satellitenbild vom Bardarbunga auf Island

Er ist einer der größten Vulkane Europas, befindet sich unter dem größten Gletscher Europas und ist seit Mitte August 2014 wieder aktiv – der Bardarbunga auf Island. DLR-Wissenschaftler haben ihn und das dazugehörige Vulkansystem, ein gewaltiges Netz aus unterirdischen Magmakanälen, Schloten und Kratern, schon seit einigen Jahren genau im Blick. Der deutsche Erdbeobachtungssatellit TerraSAR-X lieferte nun wichtige Daten von der jüngsten Aktivität des Vulkans. (more…)

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Surveying Ice and Fire: The First Map of All of Iceland’s Glaciers and Subglacier Volcanic Calderas Released

For the first time, all of Iceland’s glaciers are shown on a single map, produced by the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO), in collaboration with the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Iceland Geosurvey.  The map is the first to incorporate historical data and coverage from aerial photographs and remote sensing satellites, such as Landsat and SPOT, to show the change in the areal extent of glaciers during the past century.

Iceland has about 300 glaciers throughout the country, and altogether, 269 glaciers, outlet glaciers and internal ice caps are named. The glaciers that lack names are small and largely newly revealed, exposed by melting of snow pack due to warmer summer temperatures.  The number of identified glaciers has nearly doubled at the beginning of the 21st century. (more…)

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Months of Geologic Unrest Signaled Reawakening of Icelandic Volcano

*Monitoring volcanoes helps researchers understand the processes that drive them to erupt*

Months of volcanic restlessness preceded the eruptions this spring of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull, providing insight into what roused it from its centuries of slumber.

An international team of researchers analyzed geophysical changes in the long-dormant volcano leading up to its eruptions in March and April 2010. In a study published in the Nov. 18 issue of the journal Nature, the scientists suggest that magma flowing beneath the volcano may have triggered its reawakening. (more…)

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Eyjafjallajökull. While some say it is “unpronounceable”, it would be a good idea to get used to the name because for sure it is going to be around the international media for a long time to come.


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