Tag Archives: erb institute

Should professors engage in public and political debate?

ANN ARBOR — Andrew Hoffman, a University of Michigan professor who teaches and researches business sustainability at the U-M Stephen M. Ross School of Business, frequently wades into the controversial debate over climate change.

Knowing how and when to do so is something he has figured out through trial and error. Why more academics don’t speak up and what the ground rules should be for those who do is a little hazy. (more…)

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Climate Change: Cultural Shift Needed Similar to Smoking, Slavery

ANN ARBOR, Mich.— Despite scientific evidence of climate change, it will take a significant cultural shift in attitudes to address the situation, says a University of Michigan researcher.

The shift would be much like what has happened with recent cigarette smoking bans and even similar to the abolition of slavery in the 19th century.

“The present reality is that we tend to overlook the social dimensions of environmental issues and focus strictly on their technological and economic aspects,” said Andy Hoffman, the Holcim (U.S.) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the Ross School of Business and School of Natural Resources and Environment. “To properly address climate change, we must change the way we structure our organizations and the way we think as individuals. (more…)

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