Tag Archives: astronauts

NASA Mars-Bound Rover Begins Research in Space

PASADENA, Calif. — NASA’s car-sized Curiosity rover has begun monitoring space radiation during its 8-month trip from Earth to Mars. The research will aid in planning for future human missions to the Red Planet.

Curiosity launched on Nov. 26 from Cape Canaveral, Fla., aboard the Mars Science Laboratory. The rover carries an instrument called the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) that monitors high-energy atomic and subatomic particles from the sun, distant supernovas and other sources. (more…)

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‘Cocainizing the Astronauts’

Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana. You know them all. They are just brothers and sisters, and belong to one big and powerful family (commonly known as drugs, or druggs etc.).

May be you would like to ask, “OK, it’s a family, then who is the father”.


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