Tag Archives: ar5

Weltklimarat IPCC – Report zum Zustand des Weltklimas

Rekordtemperaturen und Überschwemmungen – Superlative in immer kürzeren Intervallen. Und der Mensch hat das zum größten Teil selbst zu verantworten.

Die Fakten sprechen eine deutliche Sprache: Die Erde erwärmt sich weiterhin in einem rasanten Tempo und die Meeresspiegel steigen stärker an als bisher prognostiziert. Das besagt der jüngste Report des sogenannten Zwischenstaatlichen Ausschusses für Klimaänderungen (IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), der am Freitag, dem 27. September in Stockholm veröffentlicht wurde. (more…)

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Confidence in Climate Data: Using 3 Million-Year-Old Records

How do we understand what’s happening today by looking back millions of years?

Scientists are looking at what climate conditions were like 3.3 to 3 million years ago, during a geologic period known as the Pliocene, and they are confident in the accuracy of their data.

The Pliocene is the most recent period of sustained global warmth similar to what is projected for the 21st century. Climate during this time period offers one of the closest analogs to estimate future climate conditions. (more…)

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Shaping The Future of Global Energy Policy

A leading academic at the University of Exeter has played a central role in compiling a report which could be vital for global efforts to tackle climate change.

Professor Catherine Mitchell, part of the University’s Energy Policy Group based in Cornwall, was one of only two experts from the UK to contribute to the ‘Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation’ (SRREN). (more…)

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