Facebook Blasts into Top Position in Brazilian Social Networking Market Following Year of Tremendous Growth

*Facebook Audience Triples in the Past Year while Engagement Grows Nearly Sevenfold*

São Paulo, Brazil, January 17, 2012 – comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, today released data showing that Facebook assumed the top position in the Brazilian social networking market following a year of exceptional growth. In December 2011, Facebook.com attracted 36.1 million visitors – representing an increase of 192 percent in the past twelve months – to surpass Orkut as the leading social networking destination in the market.

“Facebook’s rapid ascent in the Brazilian market has certainly been one of the most interesting stories to develop during the course of 2011,” said Alex Banks, comScore managing director for Brazil. “Brazil has always been a particularly social market and currently owns the fifth largest social networking population in the world. But despite the cultural affinity for social media, Facebook adoption had traditionally lagged in the market. That has all changed in the past year, during which the site has tripled in audience size as engagement has grown sevenfold to assume the leadership position in the market.”

Facebook.com, Orkut and Windows Live Profile Lead Social Networking Rankings

Results from the recent comScore study It’s a Social World revealed that Brazil was one of just seven markets (including China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Poland and Russia) where Facebook did not lead the local social networking category according to October 2011 data.

In December 2011, however, Facebook.com finally secured the top position in Brazil’s social networking ranking with 36.1 million visitors age 6 and older accessing the site from a home or work computer, nearly tripling in audience size in the past year. Orkut, which fell to the #2 position with 34.4 million visitors, still managed to grow its audience 5 percent in the past year despite Facebook’s growing prominence. Windows Live Profile ranked third with 13.3 million visitors (up 13 percent), while Twitter.com ranked fourth with 12.5 million visitors (up 40 percent).

Vostu.com and Tumblr.com both achieved triple-digit audience increases with Vostu.com growing 338 percent to 4.9 million visitors and Tumblr.com growing 206 percent to 4 million visitors. New to the scene in 2011, Google Plus attracted 4.3 million visitors during December 2011, with Brazil ranking as one of the top global markets for the social network by audience size. The combined unduplicated audience of Google Plus and Orkut was 34.9 million visitors, still trailing Facebook.

Selected Social Networking Sites in Brazil by Total Unique Visitors (000)
December 2011 vs. December 2010
Total Brazil Internet Audience, Age 6+ Home & Work Locations*
Source: comScore Media Metrix
Total Unique Visitors (000)
Dec-2010 Dec-2011 % Change
Total Internet : Total Audience 45,128 51,759 15%
Social Networking 42,477 47,399 12%
Facebook.com 12,379 36,098 192%
Orkut 32,671 34,419 5%
Windows Live Profile 11,801 13,301 13%
Twitter.com 8,939 12,499 40%
Vostu.com 1,120 4,901 338%
Google Plus N/A 4,300 N/A
Tumblr.com 1,319 4,029 206%
LinkedIn.com N/A 3,182 N/A

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs

Facebook.com Visitors Average Nearly 5 Hours on the Site in December

Facebook.com saw impressive growth across all major metrics during the past year, including significant increases in audience engagement. In December 2011, an average visitor to Facebook.com spent 4.8 hours on the site, surging from just 37 minutes in December 2010. Visitors consumed an average of 500 pages of content on the site during December (up 655 percent), and visited the site an average of 27 times during the month (up nearly 163 percent).

Facebook.com Selected Metrics
December 2011 vs. December 2010
Total Brazil Internet Audience, Age 6+Home & Work Locations*
Source: comScore Media Metrix
Dec-2010 Dec-2011 % Change
Total Unique Visitors (000) 12,379 36,098 192%
Average Pages per Visitor 66 500 655%
Average Minutes per Visitor 37.2 285.2 667%
Average Visits per Visitor 10.4 27.4 163%

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs

Profile of a Facebook.com Visitor in Brazil

A closer look at visitors to Facebook.com revealed that females averaged more time on the site at 5.3 hours compared to 4.1 hours for males, mirroring a broader global dynamic of females’ heavier social networking engagement. People between the ages of 25-34 accounted for the largest share of visitors to Facebook.com at 30.6 percent of the total audience, while visitors age 15-24 averaged the most time on the site at 6.2 hours per visitor in December.

Geographically, visitors from Rio de Janeiro and Distrito Federal displayed the highest levels of engagement with the site averaging 5.1 hours on the site during the month. Visitors from São Paulo accounted for more than one-third of all Facebook.com visitors.

Mr. Banks continued, “We saw Facebook’s audience surpass that of Orkut in Brazil’s Southeast region before the site became the category leader for the entire country. While the Southeast was undoubtedly the region where Facebook’s ascension to the top of the category began, we have seen that now only half of Facebook’s Brazilian page views come from this region compared to more than 75 percent a year ago, demonstrating the widespread adoption of the site throughout the country.”

Facebook.com Demographic Profile
December 2011
Total Brazil Internet Audience, Age 6+Home & Work Locations*
Source: comScore Media Metrix
Total Audience (000) % Composition Unique Visitors Average Hours per Visitor
Total Audience 36,098 100.0% 4.8
Males 17,734 49.1% 4.1
All Females 18,364 50.9% 5.3
Persons – Age
Persons: 15-24 10,176 28.2% 6.2
Persons: 25-34 11,039 30.6% 4.5
Persons: 35-44 7,138 19.8% 3.8
Persons: 45-54 3,891 10.8% 4.1
Persons: 55+ 2,573 7.1% 4.5
State (Brazil)
São Paulo 12,330 34.2% 4.7
Rio de Janeiro 4,647 12.9% 5.1
Minas Gerais 2,559 7.1% 4.5
Paraná 2,661 7.4% 4.3
Rio Grande do Sul 2,353 6.5% 4.7
Santa Catarina 1,625 4.5% 4.7
Bahia 1,523 4.2% 4.3
Distrito Federal 1,323 3.7% 5.1
Other 7,076 19.6% 5.0

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs

*Source: comScore

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