Tag Archives: yale medical group

Neurosurgeon’s Rare Skills Saved a Haitian Priest’s Life

On April 26, Dr. Ketan Bulsara, using state-of-the-art technology, threaded a catheter less than one centimeter in width from the femoral artery in Norbert Tibeau’s thigh into an aneurysm in his brain. The aneurysm had grown to a diameter of two centimeters and bordered on such critical structures as the optic nerve and pituitary gland. If left untreated chances were high that within five years it would either kill Tibeau or devastate him neurologically. (more…)

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Sun Safety: Facts about Skin Cancer and Tips on Preventing It

With summer upon us, Yale Medical Group physicians have an urgent warning: Be sun smart. Practicing good sun protection, including the use of sunscreen, could save your life, they say.

“You don’t want to go crawl under a rock or hide in the basement,” says dermatologist Dr. David Leffell, CEO of Yale Medical Group and a member of Yale Cancer Center. “You want to be active and that usually is best done outdoors — simply use moderation and common sense.” (more…)

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