Tag Archives: negotiating power

The power of counteroffers

How potential alternative offers can affect negotiations

Whether you are interviewing for a job or closing on a home, power is a central tool in negotiations. Research from professors of management John Sawyer and Dustin Sleesman at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics shows that an alternative offer can shift the power dynamic in a negotiation, even if that alternative hasn’t actually been offered.  (more…)

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A walk through poppy seeds yields a model for paleontology

What could a guineafowl strolling through a bed of poppy seeds have to do with a dinosaur footprint made 200 million years ago?

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Stephen Gatesy, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Brown, and his former postdoctoral fellow Peter Falkingham, now at the Royal Veterinary College in the United Kingdom, used measurements from X-ray videos of the 3-D foot movement of a chicken-like bird as an input for a computer simulation of a substrate of poppy seeds. In this way, they could visualize the displacement of seeds through time and study the “birth” of tracks at different depths. The researchers then used the model to clarify previously unexplained features of a Jurassic dinosaur track. (more…)

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