Tag Archives: Michelle Obama

ONLY ON YAHOO! SHINE: Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden Discuss Supporting Military Families in Honor of Veteran’s Day

*Michelle Obama: If Malia or Sasha Joined the Military, “I Would Be Proud.”*

In an exclusive interview with Yahoo! Shine (https://shine.yahoo.com), the leading women’s lifestyle website with more than 30 million visitors per month, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden discuss the importance of supporting military families and how the First Lady would feel is her daughters enlisted. As a military mom herself, Dr. Jill Biden also discusses ways we can support returning Veterans. (more…)

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Turban, Machine gun, Obama and Osama

American flag is in the fireplace – burning, not the portrait of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln – it’s one of the world’s top known figure Bin Laden – Laden’s portrait is hanging from the wall, Michelle Obama looks like on her way to Jihad (against whom??) and the turban-wearing (Muslim) Senator Obama giving her wife a huge feedback. Is there anything missing? May be not, but this cartoon was the Sunday cover illustration of the New Yorker magazine.


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