Tag Archives: crusty meals

Dirty, Crusty Meals Fit for (Long-Dormant) Microbes

In deserts and other arid lands, microbes often form very thin top layers on soil known as biocrusts, which behave a bit like Rip Van Winkle. He removed himself from a stressful environment by sleeping for decades, and awoke to a changed world; similarly, the biocrust’s microbes lie dormant for long periods until precipitation (such as a sudden downpour) awakens them. Understanding more about the interactions between the microbial communities—also called “microbiomes”—in the biocrusts and their adaptations to their harsh environments could provide important clues to help shed light on the roles of soil microbes in the global carbon cycle. (more…)

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Gericht legt Japans Walfangflotte an die Kette

WWF begrüßt historisches Urteil des Internationalen Gerichtshof zum Walschutz

Japan muss seine umstrittene Waljagd im Südpolarmeer beenden. Das japanische Programm verstoße gegen das internationale Walfangmoratorium, das kommerziellen Walfang verbietet, und erfülle keine wissenschaftlichen Forschungszwecke.  So entschied heute der Internationale Gerichtshof  in Den Haag. Australien hatte  2010 vor dem UN-Gericht Klage gegen Japan erhoben. (more…)

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