Small Business: Here are some email marketing tips for you

Email marketing is a great way of connecting with your potential customers and too without spending a fortune. As a small business owner, it is but natural that you keep this strategy in mind and connect with potential people to realize the true worth. If thinking of starting a business newsletter, you can realize the true benefits of email marketing.

Below are listed some email marketing tips. Follow these and benefit.

1.) Easy to Subscribe

The sign up form can be posted on the homepage, Facebook page or even your blog, if you have one. The intention should be to collect the names, birthdays or an invitation to the potential readers to join groups. All is well with this strategy but do not go overboard. Avoid having a too long subscription form as this scares people. Keep it simple and see the change it brings.

2.) Telling Subscribers on what to expect

You might be planning to share letters, updates, daily and weekly deals or some tips, it is always essential to let the readers know on what they need to expect and how often can they expect the same. Much information needs to be given in the signup form only so as to enable the readers to choose, if they wish to subscribe. The more honest you are in the initial stages, better are the chances of genuine people connecting and identifying with you.

Image credit: Yoel Ben-Avraham (Source: Flickr)

Image credit: Yoel Ben-Avraham (Source: Flickr)

3.) Sending a welcome email

It is a good idea to remind people as to why they are on the email list. Simultaneously, you can also assure them of the best of your services too. You can also send special offers to your new customers. This would be a great way of thanking them for the faith that they have shown in you.

4.) Designing the newsletter to fit the brand

The email campaign should be such so that it matches the brand’s essence. For example, if you are using a template, the same needs to be customized to include the logo of the company in its header. Having your email consistent with the other company content is a great way of showing your customers that you mean serious business.

5.) Making it scannable

The subscribers whom you have included in the list are busy people indeed. To seek their attention, you need to devise content in such a manner that it grabs the attention of the reader. Avoid using long blocks for the content, instead break it down into small paragraphs. Having subheadings and images to attract and hold the attention of the reader is a worth trying measure.

6.) Having a publishing calendar

For those in business, commitment means a lot. The same hold true for newsletter too. You need to send them regular updates on events and happenings. In case you skip sending the newsletter for a while, chances are bright that your customers will forget you. Continuity is a key to success in this business and you should be in regular touch with the readers.

7.) Editing

Anything that goes into the newsletter needs to be edited and proof read twice. As a business owner, you would not want the newsletter to have glaring spelling and grammatical mistakes. Having meaningful content is as important to the website as it is to the newsletter.

8.) Going Mobile

In today’s busy times most people check mails and newsletters on mobile too. It is high time that you adopt this measure to promote the newsletter. A mobile version of the newsletter will make it easier for your potential customers too for checking the same online. Infact, studies have proved that customers do not prefer newsletters that do not come in mobile versions.

9.) Knowing the spam rules

Knowing the spam rules is imperative if you are trying to promote your email newsletter. As per rule, one is able to send email newsletter in bulk only if the customer has asked for the same.

Additionally, to make things better one needs to offer the unsubscription option to the customers. This instills faith in the customer who will then take you to be a true professional and give you the respect and trust that you are indeed looking for.

10.) Making it shareable

You should be sending content that is shareable. Ensure that it is simple enough for sharing and your customers can further share the link with ease. This will generate more business for your venture and your target of connecting with increasing number of people will be achieved with ease.

Follow the above listed tips and realize the benefits of email marketing.

About The Author: Margaret is a writer/blogger. She loves writing, traveling and reading books. She contributes on Accounting software. These days she is busy to write an article on private tuition Singapore

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