How many people died from ‘Swine Flu’ till todate?

The H1N1 virus that’s responsible for the deadly ‘swine flu’ has killed so far till todate, 4th of August 2009, at least 1,154 people worldwide, WHO says.

The virus was first discovered in Mexico in April.

We heard a lot about the flu, but once again to review some critical points. The followings are mainly taken from the World Health Organisation and Washington State Department of Health. It’s just to stay informed. 

According to WHO: This is a new influenza A(H1N1) virus that has never before circulated among humans. This virus is not related to previous or current human seasonal influenza viruses. 

How the virus is spreading? It is transmitted as easily as the normal seasonal flu and can be passed to other people by exposure to infected droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing that can be inhaled, or that can contaminate hands or surfaces.

Symptoms? Symptoms are flu-like, including fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and runny nose, and sometimes vominig and diarrhoea. 

Vaccines? Influenza vaccines are one of the most effective ways to keep protected against the flu. Personal hygiene is among other preventive measures. However, there is no vaccine that can protect us against H1N1 at this time.

Treatment? According to Washington State Department of Health: ‘We believe that antiviral medications can reduce the severity of symptoms. The commercial names of the antivirals are Tamiflu (a pill) and Relenza (an inhaler). Antivirals must be prescribed by a health care professional.’

Don’t confuse Swine Flu (H1N1) with Bird Flu (caused by a virus subtype H5N1). 

Take care and Good luck.

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13 comments on “How many people died from ‘Swine Flu’ till todate?”

  1. Bunker

    Hmm… I read blogs on a similar topic, but i never visited your blog. I added it to favorites and i’ll be your constant reader.

  2. Acne Treatments Site

    the H1N1 or Swine Flu Virus is very scary at first but now it is well controlled by vaccines and prevention by avoiding going into places with incidence of swine flu.

  3. | Acne Treatments Asia

    If you look at the pandemic of 1977, when H1N1 or Swine Flu re-emerged after a 20 year absence, there is no shift in age-related mortality pattern. The 1977 “pandemic” is, of course, not considered a true pandemic by experts today, for reasons that are not entierely consistent. It certainly was an antigenic shift and not an antigenic drift. As far as I have been able to follow the current events, the most significant factor seems to have been that most people, who were severely affected, were people with other medical conditions.

  4. Beatrice

    i think that in asian countries the Swine Flu did not spread rapidly compared to those countries that are located in colder climates. we should still be very thankful that the swine flu did not cause massive infections.

  5. Teddy Blake

    2 of my cousins in mexico got infected with the swine flu virus. thank God, they recovered well. it is a great news that the pandemic on swine flu is gone now.

  6. Cathy Shey

    We should be thankful that the swine flu did not spread very rapidly. it is not very deadly like Ebola but swine flu can still kill you.

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