Extinction of Species, and loss of vital elements in nature

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reported in July that 869 species are extinct now. 

If we add 290 ‘Critically Endangered’ species, then the loss will amount to 1159.

The study is based on analysis of 44,838 species. This is about 2.7% of 1800000 (1.8 million) species. So the real number of species going lost might be even higher. That’s not a good thing. 

The whole eco-system, our environment and our lives, are delicately interdependent on each other. Due to our vigorous pursuance of higher life-style, or extreme struggle for our own lives, whatever the reason could be, the species which are getting lost, are ignored and get ‘no attention’ for any support for their natural habitats. 

One example is the rapid shrinking of the Amazonian rainforest. 

How the eco-system is so delicate and we are tremendously dependent on it?  

Just think of a marshy land, where the frogs meal on insects, and the snakes meal on the frogs. Loss of any one of the three players here will cripple the eco-system in that ‘marshy land’. In addition, every creation in nature has its lowest and highest state. In its lowest state, if a poisonous snake bites a person, the person will die. On the contrary, in its highest state, the snake’s poison can be used as medicine (for example, arthritis, cancer).

So if in a locality people decide to eradicate the snakes, then we are going to loss some vital elements in nature that in fact had many ‘good’s in it for us. So sooner or later scientists are going to discover that due to extinction of species, we are losing some integral parts of nature, that is now threatening our own well-being for a healthy and sound life. 

The bottom line is that, “There’s good in every species”. It’s our task to save this ‘good’ for us and for our future generations.

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