Illegal trade is the main reason threatening the extinction of these marine turtles. Other reasons include:
- accidental death in fishing nets,
- loss of habitat,
- environmental pollution,
- climate change.
Tortoise shells are used to make combs and other decorative items. The thin tortoise shell is highly colored with elaborate patterns. It’s scientific name is ‘Eretmochelys imbricata’.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has put the status of hawksbill turtles as ‘Critically Endangered’.
The hawkbill turtles live on sea sponges in shallow lagoons and coral reefs. According to NOAA Fisheries, in the Carribean, an adult hawksbill eats an average of 544 kg of sponges a year. Not baaaaaad 🙂 .
Long live the Hawksbills!!!
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