6 in 7 Brazilian Internet Users Watched Online Video in July

*According to comScore, Brazilians Viewed a Total of 3.3 Billion Online Videos Driven in Part by Interest in World Cup Coverage* 

Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 27, 2010 – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released a study on online video consumption in Brazil. The study found that in July 2010 more than 35 million Brazilians watched online video, representing approximately 85 percent of the total online population. The study, which tracked the video viewing behavior of Brazilians during the months of the World Cup, reported that Brazilians watched a total of 6.7 billion videos during June and July combined.

“Online video viewing has clearly become an essential part of the digital consumer experience in Brazil with about 6 out of every 7 Internet users at home and work locations viewing online video during the months of the World Cup,” said Alex Banks, comScore managing director for Brazil and vice president for Latin America. “Brazilians are highly engaged Internet users who actively seek out entertainment online, so it is no surprise to see online video catch on the way that it has recently. As broadband penetration continues to increase, it will only lead to more online video viewing in Brazil, opening up valuable new marketing channel for advertisers.” 

Google Sites, Globo and UOL Reach Most Online Video Viewers  

In July 2010, 35.6 million Internet users age 6 and older watched video online from a home or work location, with viewers consuming an average of 93 videos during the month. Google Sites, driven largely by YouTube.com, attracted the largest video audience with 28.3 million viewers with an average viewer watching 74.7 videos. Globo ranked second with 8.5 million viewers (9.2 videos per viewer), followed by UOL with 5 million unique viewers (5.8 videos per viewer). After Google Sites, other video sites generating high engagement per viewer were Megavideo.com (30.9 videos per viewer), Livestream.com (22.0 videos per viewer) and POP Sites (17.0 videos per viewer). 

Select Top Video Properties by Total Unique Viewers
July 2010
Total Brazil Internet Audience*, Age 6+ – Home & Work Locations
Source: comScore Video Metrix
  Total Unique Viewers (000) Videos per Viewer
Total Internet 35,577 93.4
Google Sites 28,312 74.7
Organizacoes Globo 8,499 9.2
UOL 5,042 5.8
Microsoft Sites 4,920 3.0
Megavideo.com 3,880 30.9
iG Sites 3,655 3.1
Terra – Telefonica 2,855 8.1
VideoLog.TV 1,758 2.8
CollegeHumor Media 1,177 2.1
4Shared.com 1,118 6.2
Radio e Televisao Record SA 1,052 3.2
Justin.TV 1,008 6.7
Turner Network 988 2.3
Livestream.com 951 22.0
Dailymotion.com 930 4.3
Mattel Sites 806 3.6
POP Sites 757 17.0
Yahoo! Sites 720 4.6
Amazon Sites 631 3.1
Disney Online 623 4.2
Grupo Abril 620 2.8
Viacom Digital 542 2.8

 *Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs. 

*Source: comScore

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