Yahoo! to Deepen UK Content with Launch of Yahoo! Contributor Network

Looking to recruit writers in parenting, fashion, beauty, technology, movies and showbiz to enhance key verticals

LONDON –– Yahoo!, the premier digital media company, today launched Yahoo! Contributor Network in the UK — a platform for crowdsourced content that will expand Yahoo!’s quality content in key editorial segments as well as offering freelancers, bloggers and writers the potential of paid work that reaches a potential monthly audience of over 26 million**

Up and running in the United States for over a year, Yahoo! Contributor Network in the UK is looking for writers on parenting, fashion, beauty, technology, movies and showbiz for our News, Lifestyle and Entertainment categories, with more to follow. Potential writers sign up to the Yahoo! Contributor Network at and, once approved by Yahoo!’s editorial team, they will be eligible for editorial assignments. These can attract an upfront fee as well as performance payments based on article page views.

Would you marry a bride in black?” A Yahoo! Contributor Network Article has already made the front page (Graphic: Business Wire)

The launch of Yahoo! Contributor Network in the UK is a key part of Yahoo!’s commitment to original content. This commitment can already be seen in content such as ‘Tactical Brain’ from Zonal Marking to support Yahoo!’s Premier League highlights, The Dugout content from Yahoo!’s partnership with the League Managers’ Association and Showbiz Shockers from the Yahoo! omg! team.

“If you’ve got a passion for fashion and beauty or care about health and parenting and want to share it with others, sign up for Yahoo! Contributor Network,” said Warren Chrismas, Editorial Manager for Yahoo Contributor Network. “Your knowledge and insight could be shared with over 26 million people,” he added.

Following Yahoo! Contributor Network’s UK beta launch in January, a contributed article – ‘Would you marry a Bride in Black?’ – has already run as a lead article on the Yahoo! Home Page, attracting hundreds of user comments and demonstrating the opportunity for contributed content on Yahoo!.

Yahoo! Vice President Luke Beatty, who co-founded Associated Content (now known as Yahoo! Contributor Network) back in 2005, said: “Our hope is that by providing Yahoo UK’s users with the opportunity to become a true, contributing part of the media experience, they will have elevated sense of engagement while adding voice and perspective.”

*Source: Yahoo!

** UK users over 15. Comscore UK January 2012 figures

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